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Plant-Based Diet

A plant-based diet consists mainly of plants grown in the ground, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes, as well as nuts, and seeds. However, depending on different individual’s plans, some plant-based diets include minimal meat, dairy products, and eggs, while others exclude all animal products

Plant-based foods are full of fiber, rich in vitamins and minerals, free of cholesterol, and low in calories and saturated fat. Eating a variety of these foods provides all the protein, calcium, and other essential nutrients your body needs. It's important to include a reliable source of vitamin B12 in your diet.

Those who eat a plant-based diet lower their risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other health conditions. 

Research also shows that a plant-based diet can be less expensive that an omnivorous diet.

Why a plant-based diet?

First of all, eating a plant-based diet can protect you from diabetes by eating healthy whole foods instead of refined carbohydrates. Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables provides you with sufficient amounts of fiber and potassium, which help prevent heart disease and cancer. Furthermore, Reseaseches shows that eating a plant-based diet can lead to lower blood pressure, loss of body weight, control cholesterol and maintain blood sugar levels. Lastly, a plant-based diet could improve your mental state, including depression, anxiety, and fatigue.

“a plant-based diet means that plant foods are the largest part of your plate –– not necessarily your whole plate,”


  1. Clear Health Inn (2018) Clear Health Inn,

  2. Physicians Committee (n.d.) Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine,

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